A Binana (as Marcel Kawentel fittingly named it).
A Binana (as Marcel Kawentel fittingly named it).
Years (really: decades) ago, my wife won a beautiful Baume et Mercier wrist watch. I decided to shoot it to practice a one light setup, following a tutorial by the incredible Max Bridge. I ended up focus stacking 200+ picures for a 15 image composite and learned the hard way that from up close you see every. single. tiny. little. scratch. And dust. And misalignment. So the fun really began when I started reconstructing, cleaning and healing. Here’s the before and after:
Rocket fuel concept with background image by NASA via
Obwohl es zwei Tage vor heilig Abend war und somit die engste Zeit des Jahres, nahm Maître Chocolatier Markus Podzimek vom Naschwerk sich spontan Zeit, mir die besten Stücke herauszusuchen. “Boom!” wurde sogar eigens in die Produktion geschoben. – Vielen Dank!
Making of: