Setting up my Raspberry Pi. Experiences with crunchbang, ubunutu, bunsenlabs help, but in Raspbian some things still are slightly different, namely:
(1) Autostart
Autostart file is at /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/auto. Add programmes preceded by “@”
(2) dmenu
To use Alt+F3 for demnu install xbindkeys, then see Xah Lees tutorial
(3) Firefox
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr
(4) VeraCrypt
Diy… Sigh.

(a) take care you do download the tar-file, not the signature.
(b) to this day, not a single make install worked for me. Ever. But today, on the second attempt, I got where I wanted.
(5) Kodi
Composer in Kodi: [1] and [2] and [3]
(6) Remote
Yet to try:
[Client 1] and [Client 2]
(7) Spotify
Premium only according to
(8) Netflix and the likes
Want DRM? Easy (if you’re comfortable with running some script an open source script you might or might not understand from some website in mother Russia the US of A. Worked for me. Head over to and off you go.
The “some script” is open source, and the website is hosted in the US — I control everything from the ISP and colo, to the server it’s sitting on :)
ps: Thanks for linking ;)
Hey mate, sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude ;). It’s just that the world can be a bit uncomfortable when you’re smart enough to c&p stuff into a terminal but far from smart enough to understand what you’re actually doing. Also, I was surprised how hard a journey it was until I found out, why widevine wasn’t available for firefox on Raspi when it was a piece of cake in my regular distro – and to find your website with said script was by mere chance and very, very late in the process. I’d have thought that more people would use their Raspberry for streaming.