Lavera Lipstick
Some mixed reactions on this one – but awesome feedback from Lavera, and that’s what matters.
A Binana (as Marcel Kawentel fittingly named it).
Unrest Sunglasses
Composite in the studio. Important note for next time: clean glasses firs….
Baume et Mercier Watch
Years (really: decades) ago, my wife won a beautiful Baume et Mercier wrist watch. I decided to shoot it to practice a one light setup, following a tutorial by the incredible Max Bridge. I ended up focus stacking 200+ picures for a 15 image composite and learned the hard way that from up close you see every. single. tiny. little. scratch. And dust. And misalignment. So the fun really began when I started reconstructing, cleaning and healing. Here’s the before and after:
Fuel your Engine
Rocket fuel concept with background image by NASA via
Der Schiffhobel meines Großvaters
Making of:
Pour Shot
Behind the scenes:
Cai Dao
Chinesisches Küchenmesser des vietnamesischen Herstellers Dao Vua, der die Messer aus alten LKW-Federn fertigt. Trotz der Ähnlichkeit mit einem Fleischerbeil ein sehr filigranes Werkzeug.