Custom Shortcuts in Kile

posted in: LaTeX Archives | 0

If you use Kile as LaTeX editor and if you find yourself typing the same code all over again – like a specific table environment, or a slide environment in beamer or whatever, why not create your own user tag and assign a custom shortcut? You can even decide where the cursor should be placed and what should happen in case text is selected while pressing your shortcut.

It’s very easy and very fantastic: User defined Tags.

Bibtex going openout_any = p

posted in: LaTeX Archives | 4

Working with multibib, Bibtex started failing me after a recent reinstallation of texlive on xubuntu. On
bibtex <project-path>/src.aux
I got:

bibtex: Not writing to &amp;amp;lt;project-path&amp;amp;gt;/src.blg (openout_any = p).I couldn't open file name `&amp;amp;lt;project-path&amp;amp;gt;/src.blg'

To get rid of the error, open texmf.cnf, which resides in /usr/share/texlive/texmf/web2c through
sudo gedit /usr/share/texlive/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
Then find the entry...   READ MORE

Strikethrough in LaTeX

posted in: LaTeX Archives | 13

Today I found a second way to achieve a strikethrough in LaTeX (what is done by »line-through« in css: strike out text). If you want to put a line across text, your choices are »ulem« and »cancel«:

Strikethough in LaTeX using »ulem«

\usepackage{ulem} in the preamble gives you two ways to strike out text (and a couple more for underlining):...   READ MORE

ΛαΤεΧ in Greek

posted in: LaTeX Archives | 0

There are various possibilities to include Greek text in your LaTeX document. The three ones I found are these:

  1. $\Gamma\rho\varepsilon\varepsilon\kappa$ gets you Γρεεκ allright, but it looks clumsy and lacks all the accents etc.
  2. betababel. It does not work with my customised control sequences, and I am too lazy to change them and learn them all anew.
  3. polutonikogreek. Neat, slim, worked straight away.

Nos. 2 & 3 use ngerman, so make sure they don’t start a fight with german....   READ MORE

Timestamp your LaTeX Documents

posted in: LaTeX Archives | 2

While working on a somewhat larger scale document I always end up with numerous prints, .dvis, .pdfs and so on and so forth. Once, I lost all my original .tex documents and thus had to copy everything from a pdf and reformat it. In a case like that, it sure is handy to know exactly with which version you are dealing and which one is the latest. So for my thesis I wanted to add a little automatic timestamp to each print. Sure enough I found timestamp.sty. Just go to your local package repository, create a folder called <timestamp> and save timestamp.sty into it. With


in the preambel and...   READ MORE

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