I have phases in my work cycle, where I want to limit internet access to myself. Thus, I created a »work-user« and in the user’s properties I unticked the boxes
- Connect to internet using a modem
- Connect to wireless and ethernet networks
- Use modems
I thought that should do the trick, yet it didn’t restrict internet access to this user. I tried various other things to deny access to network and web and finally found something useful at ubuntuusers.org (German):
create a file in /etc/init.d (filename doesn’t matter)
sudo touch /etc/init.d/iptab-filter.sh
Open the file you created:
sudo gedit /etc/init.d/iptab-filter.sh
and paste the following code:
#!/bin/bash iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner –uid-owner USERNAME -j DROP
Replace USERNAME with the desired user’s user name, save, close and run
ln -s /etc/init.d/iptab-filter.sh /etc/rc2.d/S99iptab-filter
The script that prevents user USERNAME to access the internet runs at start up, so user USERNAME is denied access to the tubez for good.
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