There are various possibilities to include Greek text in your LaTeX document. The three ones I found are these:
gets you Γρεεκ allright, but it looks clumsy and lacks all the accents etc.- betababel. It does not work with my customised control sequences, and I am too lazy to change them and learn them all anew.
- polutonikogreek. Neat, slim, worked straight away.
Nos. 2 & 3 use ngerman, so make sure they don’t start a fight with german.
I had a slight problem with polutonikogreek and titletoc. Whenever I used something like
which referred to this entry in the preamble:
the .toc-file looked like this at the corresponding place:
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.1}UNTERKAPITEL-1.1.1}{14}
\select@language {polutonikogreek}
\select@language {german}
\select@language {polutonikogreek}
\select@language {german}
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1.2}UNTERKAPITEL-1.1.2}{20} […]
Wherever \select@language
appeared in the toc, the styling of my toc entries of the subsection level was being messed up. I style subsection entries in the toc in a way that they all get written in a single line. It looks like this:
\titlecontents*{subsection}[3.5em] {\vspace{-0.5mm}\itshape\footnotesize}{}% {}{\dots\normalfont\footnotesize% \thecontentspage.\enspace}% [\itshape][\vspace{1mm}]
There are two solutions.
- Ignore the problem, compile your document, open the .toc-file, delete all
entries and compile again (but only once). - Use the following specifications in your preamble:
\usepackage{ucs} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[polutonikogreek,german]{babel} \newcommand{\gdir}% {\foreignlanguage{polutonikogreek}}
and then put the greek text directly into your document like this:
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